11 research outputs found

    Practical Subtyping for System F with Sized (Co-)Induction

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    We present a rich type system with subtyping for an extension of System F. Our type constructors include sum and product types, universal and existential quantifiers, inductive and coinductive types. The latter two size annotations allowing the preservation of size invariants. For example it is possible to derive the termination of the quicksort by showing that partitioning a list does not increase its size. The system deals with complex programs involving mixed induction and coinduction, or even mixed (co-)induction and polymorphism (as for Scott-encoded datatypes). One of the key ideas is to completely separate the induction on sizes from the notion of recursive programs. We use the size change principle to check that the proof is well-founded, not that the program terminates. Termination is obtained by a strong normalization proof. Another key idea is the use symbolic witnesses to handle quantifiers of all sorts. To demonstrate the practicality of our system, we provide an implementation that accepts all the examples discussed in the paper and much more

    PML2: Integrated Program Verification in ML

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    We present the PML_2 language, which provides a uniform environment for programming, and for proving properties of programs in an ML-like setting. The language is Curry-style and call-by-value, it provides a control operator (interpreted in terms of classical logic), it supports general recursion and a very general form of (implicit, non-coercive) subtyping. In the system, equational properties of programs are expressed using two new type formers, and they are proved by constructing terminating programs. Although proofs rely heavily on equational reasoning, equalities are exclusively managed by the type-checker. This means that the user only has to choose which equality to use, and not where to use it, as is usually done in mathematical proofs. In the system, writing proofs mostly amounts to applying lemmas (possibly recursive function calls), and to perform case analyses (pattern matchings)

    Sémantique et Implantation d'une Extension de ML pour la Preuve de Programmes

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    In recent years, proof assistant have reached an impressive level of maturity. They have led to the certification of complex programs such as compilers and operating systems. Yet, using a proof assistant requires highly specialised skills and it remains very different from standard programming. To bridge this gap, we aim at designing an ML-style programming language with support for proofs of programs, combining in a single tool the flexibility of ML and the fine specification features of a proof assistant. In other words, the system should be suitable both for programming (in the strongly-typed, functional sense) and for gradually increasing the level of guarantees met by programs, on a by-need basis.We thus define and study a call-by-value language whose type system extends higher-order logic with an equality type over untyped programs, a dependent function type, classical logic and subtyping. The combination of call-by-value evaluation, dependent functions and classical logic is known to raise consistency issues. To ensure the correctness of the system (logical consistency and runtime safety), we design a theoretical framework based on Krivine's classical realisability. The construction of the model relies on an essential property linking the different levels of interpretation of types in a novel way.We finally demonstrate the expressive power of our system using our prototype implementation, by proving properties of standard programs like the map function on lists or the insertion sort.Au cours des dernières années, les assistants de preuves on fait des progrèsconsidérables et ont atteint un grand niveau de maturité. Ils ont permit lacertification de programmes complexes tels que des compilateurs et même dessystèmes d'exploitation. Néanmoins, l'utilisation d'un assistant de preuverequiert des compétences techniques très particulières, qui sont trèséloignées de celles requises pour programmer de manière usuelle. Pour comblercet écart, nous entendons concevoir un langage de programmation de style MLsupportant la preuve de programmes. Il combine au sein d'un même outil laflexibilité de ML et le fin niveau de spécification offert par un assistantde preuve. Autrement dit, le système peut être utilisé pour programmer demanière fonctionnelle et fortement typée tout en autorisant l'obtention denouvelles garanties au besoin.On étudie donc un langage en appel par valeurs dont le système de typeétend une logique d'ordre supérieur. Il comprend un type égalité entreles programmes non typés, un type de fonction dépendant, la logiqueclassique et du sous-typage. La combinaison de l'appel par valeurs,des fonctions dépendantes et de la logique classique est connu pourposer des problèmes de cohérence. Pour s'assurer de la correction dusystème (cohérence logique et sûreté à l'exécution), on propose uncadre théorique basé sur la réalisabilité classique de Krivine. Laconstruction du modèle repose sur une propriété essentielle qui lieles différent niveaux d'interprétation des types d'une manièrenovatrice.On démontre aussi l'expressivité de notre système en se basant surson implantation dans un prototype. Il peut être utilisé pour prouverdes propriétés de programmes standards tels que la fonction « map »sur les listes ou le tri par insertion

    Semantics and implementation of an extension of ML for proving programs

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    Au cours des dernières années, les assistants de preuves on fait des progrès considérables et ont atteint un grand niveau de maturité. Ils ont permit la certification de programmes complexes tels que des compilateurs et même des systèmes d'exploitation. Néanmoins, l'utilisation d'un assistant de preuve requiert des compétences techniques très particulières, qui sont très éloignées de celles requises pour programmer de manière usuelle. Pour combler cet écart, nous entendons concevoir un langage de programmation de style ML supportant la preuve de programmes. Il combine au sein d'un même outil la flexibilité de ML et le fin niveau de spécification offert par un assistant de preuve. Autrement dit, le système peut être utilisé pour programmer de manière fonctionnelle et fortement typée tout en autorisant l'obtention de nouvelles garanties au besoin.On étudie donc un langage en appel par valeurs dont le système de type étend une logique d'ordre supérieur. Il comprend un type égalité entre les programmes non typés, un type de fonction dépendant, la logique classique et du sous-typage. La combinaison de l'appel par valeurs,des fonctions dépendantes et de la logique classique est connu pour poser des problèmes de cohérence. Pour s'assurer de la correction du système (cohérence logique et sûreté à l'exécution), on propose un cadre théorique basé sur la réalisabilité classique de Krivine. La construction du modèle repose sur une propriété essentielle qui lie les différent niveaux d'interprétation des types d'une manière novatrice.On démontre aussi l'expressivité de notre système en se basant sur son implantation dans un prototype. Il peut être utilisé pour prouver des propriétés de programmes standards tels que la fonction « map »sur les listes ou le tri par insertion.In recent years, proof assistant have reached an impressive level of maturity. They have led to the certification of complex programs such as compilers and operating systems. Yet, using a proof assistant requires highly specialised skills and it remains very different from standard programming. To bridge this gap, we aim at designing an ML-style programming language with support for proofs of programs, combining in a single tool the flexibility of ML and the fine specification features of a proof assistant. In other words, the system should be suitable both for programming (in the strongly-typed, functional sense) and for gradually increasing the level of guarantees met by programs, on a by-need basis.We thus define and study a call-by-value language whose type system extends higher-order logic with an equality type over untyped programs, a dependent function type, classical logic and subtyping. The combination of call-by-value evaluation, dependent functions and classical logic is known to raise consistency issues. To ensure the correctness of the system (logical consistency and runtime safety), we design a theoretical framework based on Krivine's classical realisability. The construction of the model relies on an essential property linking the different levels of interpretation of types in a novel way.We finally demonstrate the expressive power of our system using our prototype implementation, by proving properties of standard programs like the map function on lists or the insertion sort

    A Classical Realizability Model for a Semantical Value Restriction

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    We present a new type system with support for proofs of programs in a call-by-value language with control operators. The proof mechanism relies on observational equivalence of (untyped) programs. It appears in two type constructors, which are used for specifying program properties and for encoding dependent products. The main challenge arises from the lack of expressiveness of dependent products due to the value restriction. To circumvent this limitation we relax the syntactic restriction and only require equivalence to a value. The consistency of the system is obtained semantically by constructing a classical realizability model in three layers (values, stacks and terms)

    Abstract Representation of Binders in OCaml using the Bindlib Library

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    In Proceedings LFMTP 2018, arXiv:1807.01352International audienceThe Bindlib library for OCaml provides a set of tools for the manipulation of data structures with variable binding. It is very well suited for the representation of abstract syntax trees, and has already been used for the implementation of half a dozen languages and proof assistants (including a new version of the logical framework Dedukti). Bindlib is optimised for fast substitution, and it supports variable renaming. Since the representation of binders is based on higher-order abstract syntax, variable capture cannot arise during substitution. As a consequence, variable names are not updated at substitution time. They can however be explicitly recomputed to avoid "visual capture" (i.e., distinct variables with the same apparent name) when a data structure is displayed

    Unboxing Mutually Recursive Type Definitions in OCaml

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    National audienceIn modern OCaml, single-argument datatype declarations (variants with a single con-structor, records with a single field) can sometimes be "unboxed". This means that their memory representation is the same as their single argument (omitting the variant or record constructor and an indirection), thus achieving better time and memory efficiency. However , in the case of generalized/guarded algebraic datatypes (GADTs), unboxing is not always possible due to a subtle assumption about the runtime representation of OCaml values. The current correctness check is incomplete, rejecting many valid definitions, in particular those involving mutually-recursive datatype declarations. In this paper, we explain the notion of separability as a semantic for the unboxing criterion, and propose a set of inference rules to check separability. From these inference rules, we derive a new implementation of the unboxing check that properly supports mutually-recursive definitions

    The future is ours: prophecy variables in separation logic

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    Early in the development of Hoare logic, Owicki and Gries introduced auxiliary variables as a way of encoding information about the history of a program’s execution that is useful for verifying its correctness. Over a decade later, Abadi and Lamport observed that it is sometimes also necessary to know in advance what a program will do in the future. To address this need, they proposed prophecy variables, originally as a proof technique for refinement mappings between state machines. However, despite the fact that prophecy variables are a clearly useful reasoning mechanism, there is (surprisingly) almost no work that attempts to integrate them into Hoare logic. In this paper, we present the first account of prophecy variables in a Hoare-style program logic that is flexible enough to verify logical atomicity (a relative of linearizability) for classic examples from the concurrency literature like RDCSS and the Herlihy-Wing queue. Our account is formalized in the Iris framework for separation logic in Coq. It makes essential use of ownership to encode the exclusive right to resolve a prophecy, which in turn enables us to enforce soundness of prophecies with a very simple set of proof rules.status: Published onlin

    The Future is Ours: Prophecy Variables in Separation Logic

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    Early in the development of Hoare logic, Owicki and Gries introduced auxiliary variables as a way of encoding information about the history of a program’s execution that is useful for verifying its correctness. Over a decade later, Abadi and Lamport observed that it is sometimes also necessary to know in advance what a program will do in the future. To address this need, they proposed prophecy variables, originally as a proof technique for refinement mappings between state machines. However, despite the fact that prophecy variables are a clearly useful reasoning mechanism, there is (surprisingly) almost no work that attempts to integrate them into Hoare logic. In this paper, we present the first account of prophecy variables in a Hoare-style program logic that is flexible enough to verify logical atomicity (a relative of linearizability) for classic examples from the concurrency literature like RDCSS and the Herlihy-Wing queue. Our account is formalized in the Iris framework for separation logic in Coq. It makes essential use of ownership to encode the exclusive right to resolve a prophecy, which in turn enables us to enforce soundness of prophecies with a very simple set of proof rules.ISSN:2475-142